The house was buzzing with the noise of kids at every age, from a 4-day old all the way to a 15 year old. Kids screaming in the back yard, jumping on a trampoline and playing on the swing set to video games and boys yelling at each other for backup to the oh-so-quiet cry of a newborn. House and hearts full.
I’ve had the honor of photographing and documenting the story of the Hutson family over the years, watching their family grow in numbers and everything in-between. This journey with them has certainly made me appreciate just how precious time is.
Their newest addition, Levi, was still so new, tiny, and content sleeping in wrapped up and cozy in his swaddle all day. Not a care in the world. So content being held by all the people.
As a mom of one, I can certainly appreciate the demands on a mom of four. I’m still asking myself “how does she do it?”
I’m looking forward to watching Levi grow into his role of little brother and to continue documenting the story of this family over the coming years.
Keep up the good work Chels! You are doing one of the hardest jobs (x4!) and you are doing amazing!
Jun 16, 2022
© 2019 birdesign & roselyncarr. LOGO DESIGN & CALLIGRAPHY BY RIANA NELSON
What a sweet thing to read! I am so blessed to have you in our lives and a bonus that your an amazing photographer! 😉 Thank you Alyssa